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27th January 2025


60 mins

Not every run or race will be a personal best.

And that's OK.

Last week I was delighted to be there on Monday when 66 runners were at the session. Record numbers. I was chuffed to bits and still am.

This week there might not be anywhere near that.

And that's OK.

The club, like racing, doesn't have to set a new record every week. But it's good to celebrate when you've reached a new milestone that many years ago you might not have thought possible.

So next time you're out doing an hard session or a race and you don't quite hit the paces or times you're expecting - that's OK.

What's important is to keep going, keep turning up and keep working hard.

There are two times to go running;

When you feel like it. And when you don't.

Keep going and one day it'll all feel so good when you're on that finishing straight and look up to the clock and see all the hard work pay off.

Here is this weeks session;

The 3 and 4 minute efforts should be at 10K effort, the middle stingers should be at max effort - think about trying to catch that breakaway runner mid race.

Hope to see you there.

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