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20th January 2025


60 mins

I'm approaching lifetime strava miles of running round the equator. Another 500 miles or so and Ill have completed that.

I'm not sure how many miles I've ran that aren't recorded. I'll never know and it doesn't matter.

Some miles are easy, some not so much. A few miles here and there might not seem like much but they all add up.

Think of each run like a bit of paper you put on a desk. One bit of paper doesnt have much weight to it, but keep piling on run after run after run and all your efforts make a difference and that stack of paper gets higher and heavier as time goes on.

It might not feel like your one run or one effort is making a difference.

But keep at it run after run, year after year, and it'll make the world of difference.

Here's this weeks session;

Hope to see you there.

Whatever your level, whatever the clouds.

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